blending an assortment of thoughts and experiences for my friends, relations and kindred spirit

blending an assortment of thoughts and experiences for my friends, relations and kindred spirit
By Alison Hobbs, blending a mixture of thoughts and experiences for friends, relations and kindred spirits.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Raymond's exhibition

Raymond Aubin explore les lieux de passage au moyen du panorama photographique de 360°. Par l’entremise de la photographie, du photomontage, de la vidéo et de l’installation, il cherche la vérité dans le banal, le quotidien, le commun. Ainsi, l’artiste s’est intéressé aux aérogares, aux gares routières, aux stations de métro, aux corridors, aux esplanades, aux squares et aux parcs urbains. Trois caractéristiques de ces lieux l’ont particulièrement interpelé : la paradoxale solitude dans la foule, la fugacité des évènements et la normalisation des déplacements et des échanges...
I'll have to go to see this collection of images, Tracanage, if I can, because I like what Raymond does and his latest theme means a lot to me; I can identify with la solitude dans la foule and habitually imagine myself in transit, especially at the moment (as my previous blogpost testifies). We're all in perpetual transit, actually, but some more obviously than others. The exhibition is about to be presented at the Maison de la Culture in Gatineau (from January to March).

In our house we have three "early" photos by this versatile artist who is a former colleague of my husband's. One of these is the "landscape" of a woman's bare hip, one is of an ancient stone doorway in Yemen and the other captures a happy moment for four children in the highlands of Madagascar.

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