blending an assortment of thoughts and experiences for my friends, relations and kindred spirit

blending an assortment of thoughts and experiences for my friends, relations and kindred spirit
By Alison Hobbs, blending a mixture of thoughts and experiences for friends, relations and kindred spirits.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Pictures of Ulm

Before my impressions of Ulm get taken over by impressions of other places, here are some more of my photos, taken yesterday.

In the Fischerviertel

Schachtelboot decorating the Zunfthaus der Schiffleute

Rowing boat on the Donau

Neue Straße, Ulm, seen from the bridge between the Kunsthalle on the right and the Ulmer Museum

Model of the Minster (without tall spire) and surroundings as in the 18th century

Portrait of Barbara Kluntz of Ulm, 1661-1730, a contemporary of J S Bach, with one of her compositions

In the lanes (Gassen) near the Minster


In a public exhibition space was a poster about Smart Gardens of the future

A corner of the massive construction site near Ulm station

Minster choir stalls with their amazing 15th century carvings by Jörg Syrlin.
The face on the left appears to be Jesus, with his crown of thorns, speaking to a gentleman of Ulm.

In the stalls opposite are female figures, with likewise expressive faces.

Carved female figure, leaning on the altar rail.

St. Christopher depicted on the pillar, with the nave beyond.

Front view of the Archangel Michael
(see my earlier blogpost)

Late 14th century Virgin and Child

Late 14th century Pieta carving.

That last image reminded me immediately of Käthe Kollwitz' sculpture "Mutter mit totem Sohn", of 1937:

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