I shouldn't have worried about the weather. It was foggy and wet in Chicoutimi this morning, the low (700ft) ceiling just beginning to lift as we climbed into the 'plane, and we did fly back in IMC as predicted, but it was what Chris would call "easy IFR" or "the reason why I got my licence"––a few minutes ascent through thinning clouds followed by a hundred or more minutes of smooth flight above the fluffy whiteness, with increasing breaks in it to give us an idea of the landscape we were travelling across. We could see where we were at all times by virtue of the instruments.
It's been a great little holiday (although I'm too tired to write about it tonight, almost falling asleep at this keyboard). Even this morning's drive in the rain was fun: we found a place where the Saguenay River narrows and tumbles around a cluster of islands, with a big dam above. We got out of the car and walked down a steep slope to look at part of it and saw the rest from the air through a hole in the clouds as we began to head for La Tuque on the St. Maurice River, about an hour away.
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