blending an assortment of thoughts and experiences for my friends, relations and kindred spirit

blending an assortment of thoughts and experiences for my friends, relations and kindred spirit
By Alison Hobbs, blending a mixture of thoughts and experiences for friends, relations and kindred spirits.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Further delights

I omitted a few of the weekend's pleasures from Monday night's description, such as the sweet corn picked in a field on Saturday morning, flown from Iroquois to Ottawa by Yiwen, with Pete and Chris as passengers, so that a dozen of the cobs could be shared out at Don's and Carol's house on Saturday evening. Then there were the lovely flights over the forested hills north of Montreal on Sunday and Monday (with the added bonus of a tail wind), beneath our wings a view of boats zipping around every accessible lake (the Montrealers at play), and from ground level at Trois-Rivières, we could gaze at the ships gliding along the river.

Once again I looked at the monument to the explorer who was born there:

En cet endroit était située la maison où naquit le 17 novembre 1685 le plus illustre des trifluviens Pierre Gaultier de Varennes Sieur de Lavérendrye découvreur des Montagnes Rocheuses et de l'Ouest canadien

(To my amazement, I find that one of his company has just begun to publish an illustrated blog.)

Children at the Délices d'Automne festival had their own boats to play in. Water everywhere, and on Monday morning, Carol and I swam in the garden pool.

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