blending an assortment of thoughts and experiences for my friends, relations and kindred spirit

blending an assortment of thoughts and experiences for my friends, relations and kindred spirit
By Alison Hobbs, blending a mixture of thoughts and experiences for friends, relations and kindred spirits.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Life happens

Image borrowed from the Côte du Sud website
There will have to be a short pause or hiatus in my blog posts about China because Chris and I are intending to fly our 'plane to the Isle aux Grues tomorrow, a little island (or archipelago) in the St. Lawrence River east of Quebec, to spend a couple of days and nights at the Auberge des Dunes during the August Long Weekend.

As my daughter predicted, it's proving impossible to record what I'm experiencing this summer while more and more experiences keep coming. "You'll never catch up with reality!" she said.

Since I started writing my China report in Ottawa, I have been to twelve as yet unmentioned concerts.

As my husband observes, shades of Tristram Shandy!

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